Fair priced, fast and flexible mobile and fixed internet subscriptions for your business. By the way, you’ll love our excellent helpdesk.
With our fair priced, fast and reliable mobile and fixed internet subscriptions you ensure the continuity of your company.
And there’s more. Think private networks, radio communication, bodycams, drones… We make it happen!
Any market, any project: if it involves networking and communication, we go above and beyond to get things done.
Citymesh • Partnerships • Product partner
With the development of a partner ecosystem, we guarantee the realization of maximum operational value for our customers.
Always in a well-considered and configured network topology. Each partner is highly skilled in its specific domain. And with over 15 years of experience in the world of integration, we create optimal synergies.
Be inspired by our strategic partnerships, technology driven, vertically or geographically oriented. Join us building the 4th operator.
Monday to Friday, 09h – 17h
Siemenslaan 13
8020 Oostkamp
Fair priced, fast and flexible mobile and fixed internet subscriptions for your business. By the way, you’ll love our excellent helpdesk.
With our fair priced, fast and reliable mobile and fixed internet subscriptions you ensure the continuity of your company.
And there’s more. Think private networks, radio communication, bodycams, drones… We make it happen!
Any market, any project: if it involves networking and communication, we go above and beyond to get things done.