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HOGENT and Citymesh join forces for the implementation of their own private 5G network, making the future happen

HOGENT and Citymesh join forces for the implementation of their own private 5G network, making the future happen
Published on
March 15, 2024

HOGENT and Citymesh join forces for the implementation of their own private 5G network, making the future happen

HOGENT and Citymesh join forces for the implementation of their own private 5G network, making the future a reality. HOGENT takes a significant step towards the future of education and research by deploying the latest wireless technology, 5G, and is the first university college in Belgium to deploy a 5G network widely to make an impact on various sectors. As a pioneer in digital innovation, HOGENT recognizes the crucial role of 5G in building a future-proof education and research landscape.

Published on
March 15, 2024

HOGENT is embarking on a bold initiative into the future of education and research with the implementation of cutting-edge wireless technology, 5G.  As the first University College in Belgium to embrace widespread deployment of a 5G network, the school aims to revolutionize numerous sectors. Positioned as a leader in digital innovation, HOGENT recognizes the pivotal role of 5G in shaping a resilient education and research landscape.

The 5GENIUS project promises to bring transformative change to all stakeholders. HOGENT firmly believes that 5G offers immense value to students, researchers, staff, and external companies eager to harness the unprecedented opportunities it presents. This conviction has driven a collaborative effort with Citymesh to submit a project proposal to the European Commission. The goal is to establish a comprehensive, campus-wide private 5G network, marking a significant milestone as the only Belgian initiative selected for financial support in the second phase of the appeal.

Central to the project is the development and deployment of a private 5G network across three campuses. This network will underpin a dynamic digital ecosystem supporting education, research, and internal operations at HOGENT. Unlike limited laboratory trials, this network will be fully operational, pushing the boundaries of innovation.

The project aims to capitalize on 5G's unique capabilities such as network slicing and ultra-low latency to pioneer new digital services and applications. These innovations will be tested and implemented across various domains including healthcare, agriculture, logistics, mobility, and industry at locations like Proefhoeve Bottelare, campus Vesalius, and campus Schoonmeersen.

Partnering with Citymesh further strengthens HOGENT's leadership in digital innovation. The 5GENIUS project not only promises to advance technological frontiers but also seeks to address societal challenges through cutting-edge digital solutions.

5G: More Than Just 'Better Wi-Fi'

5G goes beyond just enhancing Wi-Fi with better reliability and speed. The private 5G network that HOGENT and Citymesh are developing won't replace Wi-Fi; instead, it will create a distinct network tailored for specific applications.

Wi-Fi can be compared to a two-lane highway: accessible to anyone with entrances and exits. When too many devices connect simultaneously, like cars on a congested highway, it can lead to slowdowns or complete stops. A private 5G network operates differently. Imagine it as a separate highway with multiple lanes, gated entrances where access is controlled. This setup minimizes congestion and ensures smoother traffic flow, analogous to how a private 5G network handles data traffic effectively.

From a more technical point of view, 5G focuses on three major service categories concerning connectivity requirements:

  • URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication): This targets communication services that need to be extremely reliable with very low latency. This is particularly crucial for applications requiring critical control, such as industrial automation, medical applications, and self-driving vehicles — areas where HOGENT, with programs like electromechanics, applied computer science, and medical technology, heavily invests.
  • eMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband): This aims to provide very high data speeds and capacity to support a wide range of applications, including high-quality streaming, virtual reality, online gaming, and more. The possibilities are vast. For instance, HOGENT can establish a lab where real situations can be simulated through VR and AR, such as emergencies in factories and hospitals in sectors like chemistry and healthcare.
  • mMTC (massive Machine Type Communications): This focuses on supporting a large number of devices that sporadically transmit and receive small amounts of data, such as IoT devices (Internet of Things). Healthcare programs aim to heavily utilize this.

In addition, a private 5G network is highly secure precisely because it is a closed environment. In this modern way of wireless communication, security has been the central focus from the start. Encryption is embedded in the standard, making hacking almost entirely impossible. 

Smart Farming

First and foremost, 5G provides substantial benefits in situations where Wi-Fi is impractical. In smart farming, Wi-Fi is unsuitable due to its limited coverage, particularly in open fields or large agricultural areas. Implementing Wi-Fi in such environments would require significant infrastructure investments, including the installation of numerous access points and extensive cabling over long distances.

This is far less of an issue with 5G, which offers significant added value for sites with extensive outdoor activities, such as HOGENT's Proefhoeve Bottelare. The Proefhoeve conducts pioneering research in crop protection and sustainable agriculture and serves as a hub for HOGENT's AgroFoodNature research center and research groups from Ghent University. It's no coincidence that HOGENT has chosen this location to deploy a 5G network. Sensor-based applications in the fields, such as measuring soil drought or optimizing the use of chemical crop protection products, are infeasible with a Wi-Fi network due to its lack of scalable infrastructure.

A 5G network enables full engagement in the precision agriculture of the future, where 'smart data use' is essential. Additionally, this provides a substantial benefit for education, allowing HOGENT to train students in smart farming practices. It also creates an opportunity to offer a new type of service, supporting startups in integrating sensors into farming practices.

“In our ideal world, digital innovation goes hand in hand with greater sustainability, the so-called 'twin transition.' This project proves that that ideal world is within reach. In fact, 5G provides for greener agriculture: one that includes less pesticides and smarter use of water. Technological innovation thus helps in the fight against climate change and makes the ecological choice the easiest one. We must continue to invest so that together we can achieve such impressive innovations that protect our planet and our health.” ~ Petra De Sutter, Minister of Telecommunications


With the dawning of 5G, deploying drones with sensors has become much easier. These drones are increasingly part of surveying and geometric tasks. The bachelor's program in Land Surveying, situated on Campus Schoonmeersen, will greatly benefit from this technology. This campus also houses various laboratories and workshops dedicated to education and research in fields such as robotics, energy technology, industrial automation, CAD-CAM, 3D prototyping, and 3D scanning. The high-speed data transfer enabled by 5G is essential for the efficiency and effectiveness of complex projects and experiments conducted in these labs.

Additionally, 5G opens up new possibilities for several other programs located on Campus Schoonmeersen, including IT Management, Applied Computer Science, and Supply Chain Management. The enhanced connectivity supports these programs by facilitating advanced research and practical applications.


5G coverage is also provided on Campus Vesalius, where the network can support the 360° Care and Welfare research center to develop research and educational expertise in eHealth or medical informatics.


The private 5G network being established by HOGENT and Citymesh is designed not only to serve the campus's communication needs but also to give companies and organizations easy access to 5G technology. HOGENT's E-lab plays a key role in this initiative, connecting entrepreneurs and organizations with teachers, researchers, and student entrepreneurs.

The installation of the private 5G network will take approximately three years. During this period, brainstorming and information sessions will be held to explain the potential of 5G technology and engage as many people as possible, addressing the needs of potential users.


This project is co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF Digital).