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Citymesh • KRC Genk and Citymesh unite for a thrilling football journey for the visually impaired
Football has always held a special place in many people’s hearts. At some point, even Neil Armstrong wanted to take football to the next level (literally). Unfortunately, NASA refused his request to take a football to the moon.
However, aside from this fun little fact, the passion for the team colours, the roar, and the boundless excitement remains. Sadly not everyone can enjoy it as much. People with disabilities are often left out in the cold, remain limited, and feel excluded.
As innovation and challenging the status quo are deeply ingrained in Citymesh’s DNA, we partnered with KRC Genk and MyCroCast to take matters into our own hands. Through sophisticated and lightning-fast audio descriptions, visually impaired fans could now experience the match more intensely.
Previously, supporters could listen to audio descriptions by specialized commentators using FM technology. However, FM had certain limitations, particularly in terms of synchronization and range. Thanks to Citymesh’s 5G connectivity, combined with MyCroCast we made it possible to not only reach more people, it’s also a lot faster and more efficient.
For instance, 5G provides the ideal speed for the sound to synchronize with the live footage with a delay of less than half a second. Whereas Wi-Fi and 4G take up to 1-2 seconds. Another big advantage is that the club no longer has to provide any additional hardware, the description can simply be received via your smartphone.
The result? Thanks to 5G’s wide coverage, both outdoors and indoors, visually impaired fans no longer have to sit together. They can now happily sit with friends and freely move around in the arena. Over time, we aim to extend this service to all supporters including those who cannot attend the match or watch from home.
Monday to Friday, 09h – 17h
Siemenslaan 13
8020 Oostkamp
Fair priced, fast and flexible mobile and fixed internet subscriptions for your business. By the way, you’ll love our excellent helpdesk.
With our fair priced, fast and reliable mobile and fixed internet subscriptions you ensure the continuity of your company.
And there’s more. Think private networks, radio communication, bodycams, drones… We make it happen!
Any market, any project: if it involves networking and communication, we go above and beyond to get things done.